Ambition & Major Comeback Taste Like Mango-Peach Flavored Coconut Water.

If there is anything I admire more than AMBITION it’s a COMEBACK. Just being able to come face to face with an environment that has ridiculed you or that you feel you have fallen victim to it only makes you stronger. What may seem like a failure really is a set up for a comeback. I’ve heard that many times but my continuous reading of studying others success I’ve noticed one major thing…they never quit.

Even when it may seem like everything is against them they keep going. From emotional to financial to heartbreak they still attack their dreams like never before. That is the hottest shyt ever! Setbacks are also a playground for Reinvention! Just the thought makes me tingle. It’s crazy because all of what I am saying is everything I’ve read or have seen before.

Hmmm Reinvention…Sweet Reinvention. It’s a mystery flavor that can’t be determined until tried. These words, Try, Comeback, Reinvention, “Failure" are all connected somehow. When attempted and worked it equals SUCCESS. It’s Time.