Three Reasons MASH Will Never Go Off...Word to the Lady From Murder She Wrote.

I don’t know what’s worse, Murder She Wrote, In the Heat of the Night or no…MASH is defnitely it. If you grew up in my lovely time (we’re still growing) then the only MASH you knew was the game. But in this case, this show about guys in war in I guess the 70s still comes on.

I may not have my facts straight but this show still comes on and it’s old as…older than the Golden Girls. I tried to sit still and watch and laugh when the can laughing laughs, but I couldn’t even get a TeeHeeHee out.

Here’s a few reasons why I believe it still has syndication:

  • It’s old: Anything old that was popular still has a home.
  • People from that era still breathe: My Grandpa isn’t going anywhere anytime soon; he watched the six hour marathon!
  • The new color enhancement: Because it’s old and it looks new, people consider it vintage, so it’s cute….NOT!