Live From The Trap Garden & How To Add Value To Your Community

It was probably one of the hottest days if not THE hottest day this summer; but with the help of some of the community, Rob Veggies of Trap Garden, was able to put together another great event for the city of Nashville. I was more than excited as I have been wanting to learn more about gardening and starting my own garden at home. I had heard a lot of great things about Trap Garden, especially that it was helping to fresh foods in inner city communities and providing the education to start and maintain it. It was great to see a few friends of mine helping and meeting new people with the same goal. I got to chat with Rob to get a sense of his mention. Check it out below and a few photos from the day!

The Juice: How did Trap Garden come about?

Rob Veggies

My own personal life experiences motivated me to want to build something that could provide assistance to others who do not have direct access to fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy snacks.  Growing up in St. Louis, Missouri, in a neighborhood without many fresh healthy food items then moving to Nashville and having to drive miles away from my home to a grocery store with fresh products was frustrating.

I named the organization Trap Garden because of the history of the word "Trap" in general honestly.  When people think of Trap Houses they think of a house where you go to purchase drugs.  I think of the work ethic that the drug dealer puts into creating and distributing those drugs and getting repeat customers.  Our organization seeks to put in that same amount of work to put something positive into our communities. 

We wanted to provide a healthier food options that made people want to come back for more.

Fun Fact: Not only is Rob Veggies passionate about providing healthy foods to the community but he also studied Health Administration and Planning in college. In short, this is real life.

What we can all get from Trap Garden is being a help to our community and ourselves. Rob Veggies describes what he finds the most fulfilling about Trap Garden...

"Being able to create experiences with community members that have similar backgrounds.  I think we as an organization are able to better relate to the communities we serve than a lot of others.  We have a genuine good time at all of our events while doing good for the community."

The Ultimate Goal of Trap Garden...

The ultimate goal of the Trap Garden is to have a healthy corner store on every block in every underserved community in the nation. We want to recreate that small mom and pop store feel.  Where you can come to the store and actually know the person who is selling you groceries.

Be sure to stay updated on all things Trap Garden and find out how you can contribute!

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