DESIGN | How To Turn Your Studio Apartment Into An Oasis

Let's just get this clear, having a studio apartment doesn't put a limit on what you can do when it comes to adding your style. It actually maximizes because you have a perfect view of where you want to place everything. It can be welcoming, comfortable and a place that expresses you to a T.

Here are a few tips to try out when decorating your studio apartment.

Bright Neutrals

Is that even possible? Actually it is and when you use lighter hues you tend to allow more light in and create a huge space!

Utilize Your Chairs.

Not only can seating serve as your favorite comfortable spot but it can also be a place where you want to stash your record player or a cup of tea.

Repeat For Cohesiveness.

Never too much *Luther Vandross voice*. Once you find your main color, go ahead and use it; and do repeat. Try in table and frames for a pinch and big scoop of color and focus.

Quiet Time Spot.

There's nothing like a place to call your own, in a place you call your own. Although you have what seems like limited space, a new take on simplicity such as a quaint chair, pillow and life (plant) will make all the difference.