#eyeADVENTURE Share Your Travels Photo Contest
So I'm sure after you kept seeing the word #eyeADVENTURE, you thought, what is it exactly? It's finally the day I get to tell you! I've noticed from photos and stories, that 2016 has been a great year for travel! The year isn't over but I've come across so many great stories from friends and it made me think back to my adventures this year as well. From Rio De Janeiro to New Orleans, to Las Vegas to Los Angeles to Phoenix and all away back to New York to Tennessee; it's been a wild ride.
But enough about my stories I want to know your favorite places. Where are you finding inspiration? What are you eating? What's your favorite restaurant? Let me know and the best photo gets a sample of my next collection before it comes out.Now don't think, I didn't go out of the country, I didn't leave the state," there are plenty of cool places in your city. Introduce us. Get Ready for Week 1!
NOTE: This contest is via TWITTER. FACEBOOK. INSTAGRAM. Just hashtag #eyeADVENTURE
*How To Play*
Read the challenge
Scroll through your thousands of pictures in your phone, choose one.
Upload to your Instagram, Facebook or Twitter
Hashtag using #eyeADVENTURE
Each Sunday, a winner will be announced and photo posted on the EYEPISSGLITTER Instagram