EYEPISSGLITTER Studio + On The Road w/Pradda & Kiya Lacey
What is your favorite place to create?
Pradda: Back home, in my hometown with my best friends in any room with everyone writing and creating all in one space. My hometown is so boring and small that there is nothing else to do no distractions, no other options but to make music.
What are your must have travel essentials?
Pradda: My ads with my Pokemon games for long rides to escape time. Snacks, a ridiculous amount of snacks, and chapstick. I can't go anywhere without chapstick.
You've performed plenty of places now, definitely stepping your live performance cookies up, but what was the most interesting place you've performed?
Kiya: Cumberland Park, it was a dream place to perform and I did it a year after I spoke it into existence. It literally brought tears to my eyes.
What are your must have travel essentials?
Kiya: 1. Baby hair toothbrush, baby hair products (Gorilla Snot, Aloe Vera gel, edge control & silk scarf), AUX cord, Trail Mix (indulge from Walmart is pretty fye) and Notebook (love writing in the car and brainstorming ideas.
1. baby hair tooth brush 2.baby hair products (gorilla snot, aloe vera gel, edge control, and silk scarf), 3. AUX CHORD gotta have great music 4. Trail mix (indulge from walmart is pretty fye), 5. notebook (love writing in the car and brainstorming ideas).
What makes this #NEXTFRIDAY show special for you?
Pradda: My friends. Kayvan is one of the first people in this city that i met as a kid still in highschool before I decided to take music seriously. Now he is so involved in molding a new music scene years later and thought to include me. That really means alot to me. Also the other acts being a few artists that are friends as well. I'm really excited to connect with more people and wild out to new music
Kiya: I'm headlining! Ive been on the music scene for about 7 years now, and always was considered the young kid and most thought i was making music as a cute hobby. This is my life. I am truly honored.
Check them out alive this Friday, September 9 in Nashville.