The Challenge : Coming Up With A Name For My Next Collection
Tempe, Arizona. August 27, 2014.
Time to hit the studio again. The year 2014 has been super good to me. I have had so many dope experiences that I find little things as simple as a scent or as big as a bug to remind me of good times with friends at Bonnaroo, getting in the car and blasting old Lil' Kim and Ruff Ryder songs with my sister or singing Brandy's Best Friend in the car with my Best Friend. Even the sad times losing a dear friend to cancer and finding out my mama is fighting a battle with cancer as well. All of these events, good and bad, are the very essence of what I KNOW will make my collection.
Big Momma.
I guess after writing this I know the name of my new EYEPISSglitter collection...