What Is The #EYEPISSGLITTEReyes Project About Anyway?
If you were the least bit interested in New York Fashion Week, I'm sure you saw my post looking for people who have never been to and wanted to attend. The only catch was that they would have to tell me about it. I was surprised that so many people were interested and quite excited.
My History With New York Fashion Week
I participated in my very first Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week when it was at Bryant Park, in 2007. Not only was I able to be apart of the week because of my internship for Zac Posen but, I had started my own magazine, Culture Shock Mag in college and was honored with press passes for the entire week; that meant I was able to have access to all shows, received both digital and physical invitations and one of the best goodie bags to this day oh and I made the clothes you saw go down the runway for the Zac Posen S/S 07 show.
Not long after I returned every year on different sides of the rope, from PR, to help with buying to journalist to just going because it wasn't that cold outside. As the years past, it got boring and I got "jaded". My interests focus changed from fashion and music to fashion to just music to furniture to just writing. I told myself I rather stay home where it's warm and stream the shows live online.
First semester of college, sewing clothes for Zac Posen. I stitched the corset part of the dress (I was hyped).
Fast forward to 2015, after working for several magazines, showrooms, and online boutiques, I'm not quite over it. But I wanted to get the newbies feels; why is New York Fashion Week so fascinating? The only way to find out is to ask someone who has never been and wanted to go, hence the #EYEPISSGLITTEReyes project. I'll share more later but here's a little peek of what to be on the lookout for.
TaliaaBella Captures #EYEPISSGLITTEReyes Moment During New York Fashion Week
P.S. A huge thanks to everyone participating, I hope you are enjoying yourselves and can't wait for you to see everything.