Alcohol Tastes Like Geritol x Ready 4 a New Hat.

I dare somebody to drink a whole bottle of that stuff, makes me gag thinking about it. I think I’m done. Shyt costs too much, haven’t in a month. Hopefully I wear my new hat today. Excited about that, I get a lil’ tired of $tacking bread and $elling pies and cake$.

I enjoy meeting everyone in the store but you know it’s Oozed when you’re customers are starting to die off and you actually remember when your other customers were a one year old.

Either way I’m grateful no complaints. As long as I’m breathing I have no reason not to be happy.

Started Eat Pray Love (audio book) and I can already say for the first time, THE MOVIE IS BETTER THAN THE BOOK. Shocking I must say.

CSM…So excited. New tshirts getting made, lots of events and great sponsors on the way. (I’ll save that for a Culture Shock Mag post)

So yeah.


P.S. Stay Tuned for the new hat tonight/tomorrow.