Don't Take Yourself So Serious...Even When It Hurts.
I haven’t felt pain like this in my foot since that day. Nah take that back it wasn’t that bad. I wasn’t sick to my stomach or just crying nor was I mumbling in my own saliva of my love for fish sticks(pain medicine talk)…but damn yo!
My foot is killing me. My best friend plunged her five inch stiletto into my foot. Not only my foot but a foot that has been under a doctors surgical guidance for about three times; that includes when I almost died under amnethisai(butchered that spelling) and my throat closed.
But wow it just makes me appreciate this PAIN because it’s not like before and I know I’ll be over it. So Melisa you are sorry and I know you didn’t mean it we’re friends it’s nothing and to you I thank you…sincerely for this little thing I’m thankful for this mediocre pain. I’ll dance again in ehh..approximately four hours in a fitting room to some bad ass choreorography by Steven Tate.
Note: This also applies to life..Appreciate the Pain.