FREEk Fashion: I Used to Work at K-Mart

and now their ad campaign is popping! It seems like yesterday when I was doing announcements about the Bluelight specials in tenth and eleventh grade. It was pretty swell working there too except not having weekends off. But I really did enjoy doing announcements and would stay an hour later just to do them.


Notice the photo…no it’s not a random polaroid or vintage looking photograph. But it is indeed the new look of what K-Mart is going to be. Isn’t it interesting how if something is packaged differently the appeal can increase or decrease? Go phukin figure.

With the increase of bloggers in the world why not involve them in what some would consider the “everyday” stores. That is what took place in the case of K-Mart. Working with everyday people and bloggers they will use the

tag line…Money Can’t Buy Style.

Be on the look out for what’s to come.