I Got 5ive On It...London's Loner.
Is it true that you can actually get home sick from a place you have only been one time? Well if not then what do you call it? I’ve only lived in London for a month and a half but I really do miss it. Getting up at seven a.m. each morning and going to a museum daily then walking to various restaurants then going to bed at like five pm…
Then waking up at like 11pm which was 5pm in TN, made my friends back home think I never slept. I did but I was just always excited to do something. Wondering what the next move was.
So…during my time spent in London I found myself…roaming dolo. I know it wasn’t safe but I wasn’t scared at all. I was too into the city. I was cautious though. I did make friends while I was there, but they wanted to drink all the time…I wanted to shop look at buildings and find a job so I could stay.
Shoutz to my friend Pieman, she was down to go where ever well unless she knew her boyfriend was going to call she’d stay home.
I’ll start posting London videos too:)