
So it’s very apparent that I have more energy after 12 midnight. My Creative Juices are over flowing so much that the apartment is actually flooding. I just finished the last photo along with copy! WOwww wooAhh timeout son…I said COPY! Advertising lingo…oh yeah!

Currently listening to loud ass silence. Crazy thing is I’m leaving for ATL after class, but I have yet to pack. I have a promotional campaign to do for class that I have yet to start on &….I have to sew. Sunday, that is all I’m doing. I know what I’m making now so that’s good.

& how can I forget. Tuesday 3.30.20XCulture Shock Mag promo along with a bunch of new content. I’m so excited about getting the word out about the new artists. We had a lot of guest bloggers, madd mixtape/album reviews, video interviews and FASHION! CRIiizzllleee! I just want everyone to appreciate the information that we’re making them aware of. I know I’ll be reading it daily! The layouts…ILLMATIC..Nas tried to take credit for them Boosie Bad Asses!

But uhh yeah hopefully my uhh yeahh…If I don’t tweet 2morrow/2day then you know why.

Tatiana JohnsonComment