Night reCAP: W.i.P Appeal 'The Sub-basement of Greenhouse'

Eff-U-N with all caps. Filled with artwork that changes every six weeks and music out the Uranus, GreenHouse expanded below this past week with a WorkInProgress (not to be mixed up with Carhartt’s newest soho flagship store; yet haute) is now completed and ready for party-goers. 

After dancing on couches, swinging on the ceiling and pointing at random people my cousin, friend and I were escorted downstairs where we were flabbergasted. I felt like I was in my dream room! Paintings, DJ booth and a huge sign that said CREATIVE TIME; I knew that was the place I needed to be.

But it gets better. Check the photo.

PISS as in EyePissGlitter. Was the bathroom. Still not done. The bathroom was made of chalk board walls(the paint). So of course tagging was done.

In conclusion. I’ll be back…word to Empress & Ant & My Beyonce Tears.