The Arizona|SouthWest|Westside With Love Itinerary...Things I'm Extremely Down to Do.
Thank God for spell check because spelling itinerary is annoying like the first time you spelled Wednesday or February! Happy Day! This is not the real itinerary in fact it’s just a mock up and a reason to have this really cool picture of a square tree trunk. I’m so looking forward to see my best friend/sister/auntie for an entire week then BOOM Shock (Like Culture Shock) a Locka word to Waka Flocka…Tiara Fresh is coming too! This is going to be like me on Cinnamon Roll flavored Apple Chips!
Here is a little do dad list of things that I am down to do without a doubt, I hope the Freshies are too!
- Sit in the desert.
- Drink cactus juice.
- Kiss a cactus & instagram the picture, facebook tag me.
- Eat fried snake (not boiled).
- Eat clay dirt.
- Paint.
- Cook.
- Make friendship flowers, (yeah I’m corny but we all are).
- Laugh until I wet myself.