Analogy of the New Be Dangerous Scent: Risky, Adventurous & Refreshing

For years, candle lovers have been using different scents to create their perfect candle. And, because each person's perception of the perfect candle is different, this has led to an endless supply of candle samplers. Each offering different scents and with slightly different descriptions, these candles are sure to please… Until now. The Be Dangerous candle has blended the most refreshing scents for summer to create the most versatile candle for candle lovers. With our unique candle blends you will now be able to create your perfect candle light and truly make it your vacation in a box.

But what does Be Dangerous smell like though? Grapefruit and mint are the main notes of the fragrance. This time around I wanted to center the scent around one of the best summers of my life, Summer 2020. I know that sounds WOAH to say, but it was. I started making candles last summer and here we are. Long story short, Be Dangerous represents a luxury, time and patience put into testing fragrances. But not only that.


I wanted to make sure the labels fully articulated the scent and the fell of the brand, hence, Saphia aka Sweet Saphy. I believe she is ONE OF THE ILLEST ILLUSTRATORS if not THEE ILLEST. She also created the other labels as well as my upcoming coloring book.

Please make sure you follow her and hire her for all of your graphic and illustration needs! SHE GETS IT!!

But I’m excited this new scent was actually the first one I made. So check it out and enjoy.

Candle: Be Dangerous Candle: Be Dangerous
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Candle: Be Dangerous

It smells like a refreshing summer, after that nice breeze. Especially is you just jumped into a pool of water or went bungee jumping, that’s exactly what this scent embodies!

Be Dangerous

Grapefruit + Mint


Top: Grapefruit, Rhubarb, Mint

Middle: Lavender, Rose, Apple

Base: Vanilla

Soy Blend Wax
Size: 6 Oz