LIFE | I Met God Yesterday...

I MET GOD YESTERDAY in the form of a Grandpa; yearning to share his wisdom, but also take on the role of a student. He showed me that opportunity is always around us and "it's up to you to take advantage of it," he said.

I MET GOD YESTERDAY in the form of good eye contact and willingness to listen and let the conversation flow. It showed me that I'm where I'm supposed to be without a doubt.

I MET GOD YESTERDAY in the form of a song. I'm always thinking of my MAMA. I find myself randomly giggling or crying because I miss her juicy hugs. I decided to skip right to Rick Ross' Smile Mama, Smile for obvious reasons (I usually play an album all the way through before skimming to my favorites). As soon as the beat dropped and Ceelo started singing, I felt joy, sadness and warmth all at the same time. But it felt like Ceelo was singing for my heart and my MAMA. It is beautiful.

I MET GOD YESTERDAY in the form of a vivid memory of a picture. My MAMA was so excited for me because she saw a copy of The Source Magazine (my dream since 4th grade to write for/my article was printed). She took a picture of herself (FACIE) holding the copy smiling and texted, "Look what I got." That is forever imprinted in my mind.

I MET GOD YESTERDAY in the form of a feeling. I went to bed feeling confident, warm (yes the heat is on) and safe.

This is not to say I won't ever be sad again or have my moments. It's just nice to feel connected with something bigger than yourself. It felt so good that I woke up thinking I was dreaming.

Thank you God for my MAMA GRANDPA AUNT all have forever changed my life.